About your Growth Scan
A growing baby is a healthy baby! We recommend serial growth scans during pregnancy at 28, 32 and 36 weeks in order to monitor your baby's growing velocity pattern.
Your sonographer will check that your baby is growing within normal parameters by measuring their head circumference, abdominal circumference and femur length. These will give the sonographer the estimated weight of your baby.
At the scan your sonographer will look at the amniotic fluid around your baby and complete an umbilical artery doppler assessment which will measure the blood flow to your placenta.
Your sonographer will also check the position of your placenta and look at the presentation of your baby.
All of the above assessments will help to assess the well-being of your baby and ensure they are happy, healthy and growing well.
My midwife recommended a growth scan, we were able to get a scan much quicker at the clinic and all was ok!